Monday, November 5, 2012

Sandy Reminds Us of the Real Energy Decision

I admit to being a bit of a political junkie and I have closely followed the presidential election throughout the last year, constantly looking to see what the candidates had to say about the energy issues which are so important to me and to the people who follow the web site.  And frankly it has been a big disappointment from both presidential candidates!  That doesn't mean that there aren't stark choices between the two candidates.  Their positions are dramatically different when it comes to energy policy.  Its just that the energy issues they talked to were at best peripheral to the energy issues we should really be talking about. 

The candidates talked about gas prices, as if the U.S. didn't already have the cheapest gas in the world and as if any president could actually control gas prices.  Romney talked a lot about the failure of  Solyndra but conveniently failed to mention the other DOE renewable energy investments, 92% of which were hugely successful.  They both talked a lot about energy independence, as if America, which is 13th in the world in oil reserves, was ever going to outproduce Arab oil sheiks.

The one thing they didn't talk about, but should have, is how our fossil-fuel centric oil habits are rapidly destroying our planet!  This is, in fact, the biggest energy issue facing not only the United States but the entire world.  However, sometimes, despite the fact that politicians work steadfastly to avoid certain issues during an election, reality actually intrudes.  And the reality this year was hurricane Sandy!

Right now there are millions in the northeast who are still without power, a week after this terrible storm.  There are thousands who have lost their homes or suffered severe storm damage.  There are entire beach communities that find themselves not near the ocean but actually in the ocean, and the entire New York and New Jersey coastline has been permanently rearranged. And suddenly, finally, it has actually occurred to a few political leaders that maybe that global warming thing that all the scientists have been talking about for a decade may be something that they should pay attention to. 

Folks, global warming is real and the effects of it have already begun hitting America and hitting us hard.  From the worst drought in U.S. history to the most damaging hurricanes ever to hit our shores.  It's all real and no amount of conservative political correctness is going to change that!  Therefore, we have a choice, to continue to support those who support renewable energy, or to continue to indulge in the drill-baby-drill oil-centric policies that will  be our planet's undoing. 

We strongly endorse President Obama in this election and the energy platform of the Democratic party.  Our reasons are as follows:
  1. Under President Obama the use of renewable energy in the United States has more than doubled, thanks greatly to his supportive policies
  2. President Obama has consistently supported incentives for both solar and wind energy.
  3. President Obama directed the DOE energy grants that, despite all the hype about Solyndra, were hugely successful in driving investment and development of renewable energy.
  4. President Obama allowed the EPA to actually do their job and begin enforcing the Clean Air Act.  This has resulted in badly needed carbon dioxide emission regulations which will reduce pollution from coal-burning power plants.  Romney has opposed all EPA regulations.
  5. The President has consistently opposed giving $4 billion dollars in unnecessary tax breaks to the big oil companies at a time when they are making obscene profits.
  6. President Obama worked with global car manufacturers and got agreements on a new set of fuel standards will greatly improve auto fuel efficiencies. Romney opposed those fuel standards.
  7. President Obama deferred the Keystone Pipeline which had the potential to damage huge areas of land and has opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
We strongly urge you to take a detailed look at the energy platforms of both candidates.  And above all, go out and vote!!